
About Us

The Central Bucks Senior Activity Center was founded in 1982 by George R. Zechman. It is a non-profit community center in Doylestown, Bucks County. We primarily focus on helping seniors, aged 55 and over, lead richer, fuller lives by providing a variety of programs to both entertain and stimulate. We provide opportunities for seniors to participate in social, recreational, health and fitness programs, arts and humanities, and lifelong learning activities. Members are encouraged to make their voices heard in the community through service and volunteer opportunities.


Central Bucks Senior Center has been providing services to seniors 55 and over since 1982. We are dedicated to providing support and enrichment to our Members.

We have an agreement with The Bucks County Area Agency on Aging which provides a daily nutrition program for our seniors. Hot and/or cold lunches are available every day. We offer bingo, travel opportunities, and a variety of other programs.

Our Center is used by the Board of Elections as a polling place for the community on election days. We open our doors to AARP during tax season where our seniors may have their taxes prepared free of charge.

We are looking forward to our 40th anniversary. With the help given by our volunteers and our expanding membership, we look forward to many more years of providing opportunities for our seniors.

Board Members

President Linda Currie

1st Vice President Barbara Metwally

2nd Vice President Marion Giancola

Secretary Arlene Fox

Treasurer Rick Gaver

Member at Large Marilyn Tori

Member at Large Marge Rubin


Manager Jerry Fox

Kitchen Manager (in transition)

2023 Closures

February 20 - Presidents Day
May 29 - Memorial Day
June 19 - Juneteenth
July 4 - Independence Day
September 4 - Labor Day
October 9 - Columbus Day
November 10 - Veterans Day
November 23 & 24 - Thanksgiving
December 25 - Christmas Day


Community Resources

We've compiled a list of helpful agencies and resources in our community. Click here to see them.
