• Central Bucks Senior Activity Center

    Making a safe place for new and old friends alike.

Welcome to the CBSAC…

2023 will be a new start in multiple ways for the CBSAC!

The most important thing to know is that pre-registration for “next week’s lunch” now cuts-off on the preceding Tuesday at noon.

New Management… New Board Members… Bingo activity grows each week… Lunch & Learns are being scheduled… new activities… old activities being regrown… New lunch provider… THINGS ARE HAPPENING! Hopefully we will be returning to what may resemble “normal” prior to Covid. Find out how you might contribute, enjoy yourself, or learn more about being “a senior”… stop by, order lunch for upcoming dates, and talk with the staff. No need to sit home when you could be out and about making new friends and exjoying new experiences.

Click here for our Newsletter and the newest happenings!

We are the CBSAC…

The Central Bucks Senior Activity Center, founded in 1965, is one of four, full service senior centers operated by Bucks County Association for Retired and Senior Citizens, a not-for profit corporation on Aging 501(3)(c). This project is funded, in part, under a contract with the Pennsylvania Department of Aging and The County of Bucks.

We primarily focus on helping people aged 55 and over, lead richer, fuller lives, by providing a variety of programs to entertain, stimulate and educate our community. We provide opportunities for members to participate in social, recreational, health and fitness programs, arts and humanities, and lifelong learning activities.

Members are encouraged to make their voices heard in the community through services and volunteer opportunities.

Monthly Fresh Bun Bake Schedule

CBSAC bakes it’s cinnamon buns 3 days a month for 8 months of the year…

Monthly Sunday Movies at the CBSAC

CBSAC hosts Movie Sundays
