Connections (new)
– a new addition to our site hoping to help you make connections to organizations, activities and programs that support the community with a heavy emphasis on “Seniors”. It’s new… there’s a lot… so make sure you scroll all the way to the end so you don’t miss anything.
Social Security Newsletter – We’ve been put on a distribution list to receive their newsletter. We’ll post them here as we get them.
2023 Bucks County Senior Games - Registration opens April 18 and ends May 10. Kickoff event scheduled for May 24, and actual games start May 31. Click here to see a collage from last year’s games. Click here to see the Bucks County Information Page.
The Christmas Gala Angel Program – Most of us get so busy around the holidays to take of our own matters, we rarely have time to think about helping others… it’s just life. If you would like a small reality check of what others find time to accomplish, please read this Letter. If you would like more information about the program itself, you can see their web site here.
Casino Trips - March 2023 trip planned. Click here to see the flyer.
Personal Enrichment
- through Pennswood Village Classes in Newtown
- through Bucks County Community College
2023 Spring Cash Bash Fundraiser - detail flyer
Assistance through food distribution programs
1-Monday - usually available for pickup about 10:00
— WaWa donates their day old products at the center,
2-Wednesday - usually available for pickup about 10:00
— Weis donates various bread and pastry day old products, also usually available by 10:00
3-Thursday is a double hit…
— WaWA donates again
— Frequently we get slightly out of date frozen meat products from Applegate Farms
— As weather improves the Rolling Harvest program occasionally donates excess farm produce
5-In Spring and Summer BCAAA supports a Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers for various local produce vendors
6-Lunch is served at noon every weekday we are open (must register/order a week in advance)
7-(New) Occasionally The Larder will make donations of various candy and confections… we expect a new batch SOON!
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers free tax preparation help to anyone and if you’re 50 and older, and can’t afford a tax preparation service, we were made especially for you. We understand that retirement or other life changes may mean your taxes are a little more complicated now. With the help of our team of IRS certified volunteers we make it easy for you. To make your appointment, call the center between 9:00AM and 3:00PM at 215-348-0565. This link can help you be prepared with information you need to know, AND the form you’ll need to complete. If you complete it at home you’ll save yourself about 20-25 minutes at the center.
Hunterdon Hills Playhouse - In the past we ran dinner trips here for their shows. We will continue to display their event information (click here). Who knows, maybe there will be enough interest and some volunteers to get these trips started again.