Monthly Sunday Movies at the CBSAC

In an effort to give our community a break, see a recent first-run movie inexpensively, and even have a few snacks, the CBSAC hosts Movie Sundays once a month. Unless a holiday changes our schedule, we usually have our showings on the second Sunday of each month.

Movies start at 1:30.

We also have a DINE & DONATE at various local eateries immediately after the movie.

Below is a list of the upcoming Sunday Movies here at the CBSAC. Watch for details as we get closer to each future month’s movies:

August 18 The Intern Dine & Donate at Giuseppe’s Pizza, Warminster
September 22To be determined Dine & Donate at Outback Steak House, Jamison
October 13To be determined Dine & Donate at Mike’s York Street Bar & Grill, Warminster
November 10To be determined Dine & Donate at Piccolo Trattoria, Doylestown
December 8 - To be determined Dine & Donate at Perkins Restaurant, Doylestown

Please join us at the CBSAC for an inexpensive afternoon of relaxing… open to the public… bring the kids… bring your own snacks if desired… and just sit and enjoy the movie!

700 N Shady Retreat Road
Doylestown, PA 18901

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