Monthly Fresh Bun Bake Schedule

CBSAC bakes it’s cinnamon buns 3 days a month for 8 months of the year… by some opinion, the best “sticky buns” around. People have been known to travel over 100 miles just to pick up a personal supply.

To help people plan, we are going to post the schedule online. This way you can plan your travel around the schedule.

Also, we can ALWAYS use volunteers to help setup, make, back and package the buns. If you are interested in adding some volunteer time to your life, please give a call to the CBSAC at 215-348-0565 and ask for Priscilla.

Click here to see the schedule for the upcoming year!

Prices (subject to change):
— Plain - $5.50
— Raisin - $6.00
— Nuts - $8.00
— Raisins & Nuts - $7.50


Thank you for supporting the Central Bucks Senior Activity Center:
700 N Shady Retreat Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
215-348-0565 or

Monthly Sunday Movies at the CBSAC

In an effort to give our community a break, see a recent first-run movie inexpensively, and even have a few snacks, the CBSAC hosts Movie Sundays once a month. Unless a holiday changes our schedule, we usually have our showings on the second Sunday of each month.

Movies start at 1:30.

We also have a DINE & DONATE at various local eateries immediately after the movie.

Below is a list of the upcoming Sunday Movies here at the CBSAC. Watch for details as we get closer to each future month’s movies:

August 18 The Intern Dine & Donate at Giuseppe’s Pizza, Warminster
September 22To be determined Dine & Donate at Outback Steak House, Jamison
October 13To be determined Dine & Donate at Mike’s York Street Bar & Grill, Warminster
November 10To be determined Dine & Donate at Piccolo Trattoria, Doylestown
December 8 - To be determined Dine & Donate at Perkins Restaurant, Doylestown

Please join us at the CBSAC for an inexpensive afternoon of relaxing… open to the public… bring the kids… bring your own snacks if desired… and just sit and enjoy the movie!

700 N Shady Retreat Road
Doylestown, PA 18901

AARP Tax Aide

AARP Tax Aide - Weekday registration for qualified seniors

AARP Tax Aid Counselors, certified by the IRS, will be providing tax assistance here at the CBSAC for qualified seniors beginning February 3, 2020 and ending April 13, 2020.

Starting Monday, January 6, 2020, scheduling appointments for this tax service can be accomplished by calling the office of State Representative Wendy Ullman, 267-768-3670, Monday through Friday.

Appointments can be scheduled for Mondays and Fridays during this time, for the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. here at the CBSAC (address below).

Services will be by appointment only. Please be ready to give us your last name, phone number, preferred date and hour for your request.


Central Bucks Senior Activity Center
700 North Shady Retreat Rd
Doylestown, PA 18901
For information call 215-348-0565

Monthly Blood Pressure Clinic

On the first Wednesday of each month, nurses from the Daughterly Companions Organization come to the CBSAC to help monitor our members health by taking and recording their blood pressure FREE.


Click Here to see the scheduled dates for the upcoming year


Monitoring starts at 10:00AM and ends at noon. Be smart… come use the service.


Welcome Friends!

We’re happy to announce we now have the ability to update our website on a real time basis! Now you’ll be able to stay up to date with activities, trips, seminars, Bingo and other goings-on at the Central Bucks Senior Activity Center!

Make sure to add us to your favorites / bookmarks.

Become a member! Join the community!

We always welcome new members. $20 annual membership is available to anyone older that 54.

Please stop in the CBSAC and take a tour of our facilities. We have classes, seminars, a library, courtyard, Bingo, plus some indoor and outdoor activities. No appointment is necessary, and we’re sure you’ll find it informative.

We offer pinochle, poker, bridge, mahjongg, exercise classes, tai chi, tap dancing, line dancing, chorus, billiards, current events, art, crafts, knitting, and other activities.

We also have various annual events such as our spaghetti dinner, fashion show, craft fair, Holly Fair, and other events.

Out trip schedule is active and we’re constantly trying to find new, and more, trips for our membership. Being a MEMBER will be fun!

Welcome Spring Afternoon Tea & Fashion Show May 19, 2018

Come join us for an afternoon of tea and fashion on May 19, 2018 from 1:30-4:00 PM. We’ll serve lovely tea sandwiches, scones and dessert. Fashion show by NOVA (Network of Victim’s Assistance) Thrift Store. Wear your favorite hat! Click here for more information.