Reopening Information - We are reopening on Monday, August 2, 2021. We want everyone to be safe. To avoid confusion, and with the increase in Covid-19 cases due to the Delta mutation, we will follow the latest CDC and PDA suggestions and require masks. We will offer COLD LUNCH only for the first 2 weeks and you MUST pre-register by calling the CBSAC at 215-348-0565. Besides lunch, ALL ACTIVITIES will be held with a pre-registration mandatory.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s SENIOR FARMERS’ MARKET NUTRITION PROGRAM will repeat for 2021. The process is different for this year. You should complete the following steps:
1 - Download the application by clicking here
2 - Print the application
3 - Complete the entire form, please pay special attention to all highlighter areas, please PRINT where required, and please provide signature.
4 - Return only Page 1 to the CBSAC… by mail… or by fax (number on the form)… or in person… DO NOT EMAIL! Copies received via email will NOT be utilized!
5 - Watch here on the website, or call the center to confirm we have received the vouchers and they are ready for pickup. Currently we expect the first vouchers to be available approximately June 7th
6 - We will be handing out the vouchers on Mondays between 11:00am & 1:00PM and then again on Thursdays between 1:00PM & 2:30PM
7 - When you come to pick up your vouchers
~~~ Have a photo ID you can display through the window
~~~~~(we need to verify address / Bucks county, and age)
~~~ Your “receipt” will be a copy of your original application
~~~~~along with the numbers of your vouchers.
We are the CBSAC…
The Central Bucks Senior Activity Center, founded in 1965, is one of four, full service senior centers operated by Bucks County Association for Retired and Senior Citizens, a not-for profit corporation on Aging 501(3)(c). This project is funded, in part, under a contract with the Pennsylvania Department of Aging and The County of Bucks.
We primarily focus on helping people aged 55 and over, lead richer, fuller lives, by providing a variety of programs to entertain, stimulate and educate our community. We provide opportunities for members to participate in social, recreational, health and fitness programs, arts and humanities, and lifelong learning activities.
Members are encouraged to make their voices heard in the community through services and volunteer opportunities.