Monthly Blood Pressure Clinic

On the first Wednesday of each month, nurses from the Daughterly Companions Organization come to the CBSAC to help monitor our members health by taking and recording their blood pressure FREE.


Click Here to see the scheduled dates for the upcoming year


Monitoring starts at 10:00AM and ends at noon. Be smart… come use the service.


Welcome Friends!

We’re happy to announce we now have the ability to update our website on a real time basis! Now you’ll be able to stay up to date with activities, trips, seminars, Bingo and other goings-on at the Central Bucks Senior Activity Center!

Make sure to add us to your favorites / bookmarks.

Become a member! Join the community!

We always welcome new members. $20 annual membership is available to anyone older that 54.

Please stop in the CBSAC and take a tour of our facilities. We have classes, seminars, a library, courtyard, Bingo, plus some indoor and outdoor activities. No appointment is necessary, and we’re sure you’ll find it informative.

We offer pinochle, poker, bridge, mahjongg, exercise classes, tai chi, tap dancing, line dancing, chorus, billiards, current events, art, crafts, knitting, and other activities.

We also have various annual events such as our spaghetti dinner, fashion show, craft fair, Holly Fair, and other events.

Out trip schedule is active and we’re constantly trying to find new, and more, trips for our membership. Being a MEMBER will be fun!