CBSAC bakes it’s cinnamon buns 3 days a month for 8 months of the year… by some opinion, the best “sticky buns” around. People have been known to travel over 100 miles just to pick up a personal supply.
To help people plan, we are going to post the schedule online. This way you can plan your travel around the schedule.
Also, we can ALWAYS use volunteers to help setup, make, back and package the buns. If you are interested in adding some volunteer time to your life, please give a call to the CBSAC at 215-348-0565 and ask for Priscilla.
Click here to see the schedule for the upcoming year!
Prices (subject to change):
— Plain - $5.50
— Raisin - $6.00
— Nuts - $8.00
— Raisins & Nuts - $7.50
Thank you for supporting the Central Bucks Senior Activity Center:
700 N Shady Retreat Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
215-348-0565 or [email protected]